¡Vaya GIF! / Y un día Dios decidió crear esto
Enviado por detriana el 26 sep 2019, 03:31

Y un día Dios decidió crear esto

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#1 por drizztasd
30 sep 2019, 09:59

que demonios es eso?

lo que parecen dientes blancos son blanditos

A favor En contra 2(2 votos)
#2 por drizztasd
30 sep 2019, 10:03


Occurred on September 1, 2019 / Utrecht, The Netherlands

"I made this piece using the 3D software Houdini. I programmed a set op points to grow in a certain way (just for fun). When I like the form, I added the small and long hairs and teeth. I simulated all of it, and then I did a water simulation on top of that. I took me about 2.5 weeks to complete. I started this just as an experiment, I never had the intention to post it."

Contact licensing@viralhog.com to license this or any ViralHog video.

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#3 por drizztasd
30 sep 2019, 10:05

Vale, no sabía que dios era un diseñador grafico por ordenador.

No es nada mas que una animación por ordenador

https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=O95y-DJlkLs

Occurred on September 1, 2019 / Utrecht, The Netherlands

"I made this piece using the 3D software Houdini. I programmed a set op points to grow in a certain way (just for fun). When I like the form, I added the small and long hairs and teeth. I simulated all of it, and then I did a water simulation on top of that. I took me about 2.5 weeks to complete. I started this just as an experiment, I never had the intention to post it."

Contact licensing@viralhog.com to license this or any ViralHog video.

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#4 por drizztasd
30 sep 2019, 10:06


Se me envio el segundo sin saberlo y sin completarlo

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